See Details
You can effortlessly manage your projects and tailor their settings through the "Active Projects" menu.
Click on the icon with three dots located near the project name, and you will see multiple options. From viewing details to editing project specifics, establishing connections with task trackers, and managing users—it's all right there at your fingertips.
By selecting "See Details," you'll gain access to an overview of your project, complemented by tabs enabling you to fine-tune users, project settings, and task tracker integration.
Main Information
Within the Main View, you'll find a comprehensive breakdown of various task statuses, including resolved, in progress, under discussion, and rejected. Additionally, you can track the number of times you've been mentioned and stay updated on newly added comments.
Project Settings
In the Project Settings, you'll have the ability to make adjustments such as altering the project name, project link, client name, and project description.
You will also see widget integration options: code snippet to install manually or sending the the code and instructions to the web developer
Task Tracker
Navigating to the Task Tracker tab, you'll have the opportunity to seamlessly integrate your project with widely-used task trackers, including Notion, Trello, Jira, Monday, Teamwork, GitLab, Asana, and ClickUp.
Finally, within the Users tab, you can conveniently oversee all project participants. This includes viewing user profiles, making necessary edits, and inviting new members to join.
Should you have any queries or require further assistance, feel free to reach out.