Widget integration
This tutorial will guide you through the simple process of integrating the widget into your website's code.
Step 1
Access Your Website Code
Log in to your website's content management system (CMS) or website builder.
Step 2
Locate the Closing Head Tag
Find the opening <head> tag in your website's code. This is usually located in your website's template or theme file.
Step 3
Insert the Code
Just after the opening <head> tag, paste the following code snippet:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//app.widget.com/embed/9e214e61-8603-5d3a-8ee0-2ebe1cb28bb3" async="true"></script>
For optimal performance, make sure the GoComment script is placed directly after the <head> tag, as the first script.
Step 4
Save and Publish
Save your changes and publish your website to activate the GoComment widget.
With these quick steps, you'll have the GoComment widget up and running on your website, facilitating seamless collaboration and efficient feedback sharing.
If you need any assistance or have questions during the integration process, our support team is here to help. Reach out to us at hi@gocomment.tools.
Sign up
If you haven't already, you can kick off a free 30-day trial of GoComment here (no credit card required). You can explore our plans and compare features.
Once you've signed into your account, you'll find yourself on your profile dashboard, which consists of several key sections: projects, profile, admin tools.
Under the "Settings" section, you have the option to update your name, time zone, and password.
Active Projects
In the "Active Projects" section, you'll be able to view your ongoing projects and even initiate new ones.
The "Archive" provides a space where you can access past projects and review detailed project-related information.
And there you have it—your guide to effortlessly navigating your GoComment profile.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further assistance.
Create a project
To create a new project, head over to the "Active Projects" section. Here, you'll find both an "Add New Project" button and a "+" symbol at the upper-right corner.
The project creation process unfolds in four straightforward.
Step 1: Project Description
In this initial phase, you'll have the opportunity to provide a name for your project, a project link, and a project description. While client name and description are optional, they can be valuable additions to your project overview.
Step 2: Adding Team Members and Inviting Clients
In this step, you can seamlessly invite team members who will be actively involved in the project, as well as extend invitations to your clients.
You have the flexibility to send invites via email and select the role for the invitee: admin, manager, or commenter.
You can generate a unique link for the entire team, which can be manually shared with each team member or clients' team. Before generating the link, you can specify the intended role: admin, manager, or commenter.
Upon generating the link, it will be automatically copied to your clipboard, ready to be dispatched to your team members.
Step 3: Widget Code Integration
In this stage, you'll need to seamlessly integrate the GoComment widget into your project's website. You can send instructions via email to your web developer or copy the code snippet for manual installation.
Step 4: Setting Up Integration with Task Trackers
In the final phase, you'll have the option to integrate GoComment with popular task tracking applications, including Notion, Trello, Jira, Monday, Teamwork, GitLab, Asana, and ClickUp. If integration isn't necessary for your workflow, you can skip this step.
Following the completion of these four steps, your new project will be successfully created, and you'll find it conveniently displayed on your "Active Projects" dashboard.
With your project in place, you're all set to dive into your work!
Should you have any queries or require further assistance, feel free to reach out.
See Details
You can effortlessly manage your projects and tailor their settings through the "Active Projects" menu.
Click on the icon with three dots located near the project name, and you will see multiple options. From viewing details to editing project specifics, establishing connections with task trackers, and managing users—it's all right there at your fingertips.
By selecting "See Details," you'll gain access to an overview of your project, complemented by tabs enabling you to fine-tune users, project settings, and task tracker integration.
Main Information
Within the Main View, you'll find a comprehensive breakdown of various task statuses, including resolved, in progress, under discussion, and rejected. Additionally, you can track the number of times you've been mentioned and stay updated on newly added comments.
Project Settings
In the Project Settings, you'll have the ability to make adjustments such as altering the project name, project link, client name, and project description.
You will also see widget integration options: code snippet to install manually or sending the the code and instructions to the web developer
Task Tracker
Navigating to the Task Tracker tab, you'll have the opportunity to seamlessly integrate your project with widely-used task trackers, including Notion, Trello, Jira, Monday, Teamwork, GitLab, Asana, and ClickUp.
Finally, within the Users tab, you can conveniently oversee all project participants. This includes viewing user profiles, making necessary edits, and inviting new members to join.
Should you have any queries or require further assistance, feel free to reach out.
Once the widget is set up on your website, you're ready to dive into the world of GoComment. Upon visiting your website, you'll notice the GoComment console:
This versatile console can be easily repositioned from right to left. It serves as your hub to enter commenting mode, review mentions, and access all comments.
To add comments, simply engage commenting mode by clicking the button adorned with a speech bubble and a plus symbol.
Now, by selecting any element on your website, you can leave a comment. You can enhance your feedback by attaching files and mentioning other project collaborators.
Replying to Comments
Once you've added a comment, other users can respond to them.
Replying to Comments
Once you've added a comment, other users can respond to them.
Adding Tasks
If you've integrated GoComment with task trackers, you have the unique ability to transform comments into tasks (available to Admins and Managers). To achieve this, within the console, click the button featuring three dots and opt for the "Add Task" option.
Moreover, you possess the capability to manage comments—editing, deleting, and altering their status.
Status options encompass: to discuss, in progress, rejected, resolved
Now, you're equipped with the skills to proficiently utilize the GoComment widget within your projects. Seamlessly collaborate with your team and gather client feedback, amplifying your project's efficiency and success.
Should you have any queries or require further assistance, feel free to reach out.